A Dwelling Place

A Dwelling Place

Your testimonies are very sure; Holiness adorns Your house, O Lord, forever. Psalm 93:5 NKJV If God is to adorn or beautify His house with Holiness, then where is His House? Is it on some lofty mountain where only those who have attained some sort of unreachable...

EQ vs IQ

EQ vs IQ

Whether  seeking employment, attending academic studies or a variety of other everyday tasks, one’s ability to perform whatever tasks that may be required of them has often been measured by their intellectual abilities or IQ. Surprisingly though, we have often seen...

A Sandblasted Wall

A Sandblasted Wall

The dreariness of the weather matched the sombre mood of all on parade. The day was the 11th of November 2008. November the 11th is a day of great significance in Canada, that we all call Remembrance Day, a day that collectively the people of Canada takes time to...

There’s Power In Our Words

There’s Power In Our Words

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. “ Proverbs 15:1 Have you ever been told in your past? “Sticks and stone’s may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.” Anyone who taught this probably had only the best intentions in mind when...

A Spark Within

A Spark Within

Alone Darkness is all around Darkness is everything Can’t even move Can’t even see And yet there’s a spark, deep within The spark ignites a fire It’s a raging fire and it refuses to give up But the spark Barely visible And yet visible The spark remains Giving light...



Going down Can’t breathe HELP Suddenly, there’s a hand AIR I can breathe Don’t go down Breathe Breathe that sweet air Don’t go down There’s another hand And another and another Six hands together Together, pulling me up Breathe Breathe in …...

a new day

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